Effective October 1, 2021, the online portal @
www.stateoftexasinfusionhotline.com is the exclusive means of submitting infusion referrals and order sets. The portal replaces the need for PDF form completion and scanning/faxing to an email inbox, saving providers and their patients precious time and effort when life safety is the priority. Referrals submitted to the former email inbox will receive an auto-reply directing the sender to the portal.
Once a provider or other authorizing entity submits a referral, the infusion management system auto-generates and sends an appointment date and time directly to the client’s email address that is indicated in the online referral. The appointment is for the closest regional infusion center to the client’s home address listed in the referral. There is also a place on the order set to indicate any accommodations your patients may need.
The State of Texas Infusion Call Center remains available to clients and providers for all questions and follow-up regarding mobile infusions and scheduling. Please call 1-800-742-5990 for assistance.